Collection: KeshaLepā - Hair Conditioner & Mask

Life Purified offers Ayurvedic hair conditioners & masks that blend traditional wisdom with cutting-edge technology. These conditioners utilize natural ingredients like Amla, Bhringraj, and Shikakai, renowned for their hair-strengthening and conditioning properties. They also incorporate advanced innovations such as plant stem cells, nanotechnology, and plasma technology for 

  • Promote hair regeneration and repair at the cellular level.
  • Ensures deep penetration of nutrients for enhanced effectiveness.
  • mproves scalp health and overall hair vitality.

Free from harsh chemicals like sulfates, parabens, and silicones, these conditioners are safe for all hair types. Emphasizing a holistic approach, they balance the body's doshas, promoting overall wellness. Life Purified is committed to sustainability, offering cruelty-free and environmentally friendly products packaged in recyclable materials. Using these conditioners connects consumers with a rich cultural heritage and time-tested beauty rituals, offering a harmonious blend of nature and technology.