monsoon rain drops on rainwaters reflecting a blue shade

Monsoon mantras for a beautiful you!

The sun’s being kind, and the weather calls for a hot cup of chai and some crispy bites. But those are not the only demands of the rainy season. Monsoon calls for some extra TLC and pampering for your skin.

Bid goodbye to breakouts – Excessive humidity during the monsoon can lead to oily skin. Cleansing with a mild cleanser daily swipes off the grime, dirt and sweat and unclogs your pores, keeping breakouts at bay without stripping off the natural oils. Anti-acne gels with antioxidant-rich ingredients like neem and tea tree are great to say hi to this season.

Moisturize, moisturize – Oil-free lightweight moisturizers can quench your skin this season, help you have supple and hydrated skin, and prevent skin irritation.

Scrub away tired and dull skin – The rising humidity can wreak havoc on your skin during monsoon. The build-up of oil, sweat, dirt and leftover makeup clogs your pores and makes your skin susceptible to breakouts and a host of other skincare problems. Using a natural and effective exfoliant to scrub twice a week can be great to get rid of the toxins from your skin and unclog your pores.

It’s all about toning – Toning should be an indispensable step in your skincare routine. Closed pores are the best way to prevent nasty breakouts. Natural toners like tomato, lemon or orange juice can cleanse your skin naturally and so does cold water therapy.

Don’t skip the sunscreen – Shield your skin from the sun’s harmful rays while maintaining youthful skin! A broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher is just the right one to pick.

Tame your tresses – Monsoon and frizz definitely go hand in hand. What with all the humidity and the ickiness around!

Do away with frizz and scalp issues by using a mild shampoo to cleanse your hair regularly and follow up with a conditioner to keep your hair healthy, hydrated and happy.

Your feet need some ‘looking-after’ too – The wet weather is no friend for happy feet! Keep fungal infections away by making sure your feet stay clean and dry! Wearing open-toe footwear and avoiding prolonged exposure to damp shoes and socks are the keys to healthy feet.

What about make-up? – Using lightweight and non-comedogenic skincare products will be the prudent choice to make this season. Remember not to layer up and remove any makeup by following a good cleansing routine before you sleep to allow your skin to breathe and rejuvenate.

Pamper your skin with vitamin C – Skin looking dull during the dreariest rainy days? Fret not! Unlock the secret to radiant and glowing skin with the much-needed vitamin C boost. Using a vitamin C serum or eating foods rich in this magic vitamin can make you glow from within.

Get your daily dose of that beauty sleep – The positive effects of a good sleep routine cannot be understated. Quality sleep ensures that our body gets the much-needed rest and that the skin, amongst other organs, repairs, refreshes and rejuvenates to reveal a beautiful you the next morning!

Eat healthy, stay happy and hydrated – You are what you eat and what you feel!  Well, need we say that there’s no equivalent to this? Taking care of yourself and making your wellbeing a priority ensures a healthy and happy you and it is sure to reflect on your skin. That unmistakable glow is a goal that should not be missed.

And always remember – Everyone has unique skin and when it comes to skincare, there is no one-size-fits-all. So, adjust and tweak any tip according to your specific skin type and concerns.

Cheers to a happy and healthy you!

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